Welcome to “Ask Sue”, I’m Sue a partner, a mum, a nan, furbaby Mum, friend and a voice to the voiceless and an advocate for so much.

I live in Blackpool Lancashire in the UK and have my own life’s struggles of Fibromyalgia, arthritis, tinnitus which has caused hearing loss, vertigo and more!! Oh plus a big lass!!
Ask Sue came from years ago when I started with Ask Sue Radio show when my first ever interview was with Colin Fry.
I decided Ask Sue because I’ve always promoted so many people and on so many occasions it was ” Ask Sue” she will know someone for that job.
So Ask Sue came a radio show, a fb page, a website and known across many countries across the world.
I did many radio shows. Click here to listen to them. Interviewing so many different people with so much fun.and laughter but tears too. Including Colin Fry Derek Acorah Lisa Baretta Gordon Snell (more as I think of them lol. Memory not good because if illnesses x (Lots of friends in the US)
I was born in Wrexham Clwyd and was always the tom boy as a kid. Wooding with my Dad and brothers. Saving wildlife. Being the country girl. I loved cross country at school and design work hated textiles sewing etc!!
I got bullied at school goodness knows why with my mouth but it made me go on and be the advocate for people in all walks of life in any kind of bullying situations.
I had my beautiful children who have gone to have my beautiful grandchildren.
I have raised money for charities since I was a child raising money for Liverpool Alder Hey when we did a sponsored walk in aid of Suzanne a little girl who was next door to us. Then helped to raise funds for a village hall my friends and me started the ideas.
At 18 I lived in New Zealand for a year and then came back. I lived in Shropshire again and then moved and had my first two daughters. Then moved to Doncaster where I had my son and two daughters.
I left Doncaster with 4 children and started again in Shropshire.
I have done odd jobs and security whilst I had my children but always been busy. Helping family etc. My grandparents being a massive part of my life. Unfortunately they have all passed away now.
I love being Nanny go my grand-kids and love them so so much as much as I love my children.
I now live in Blackpool Lancashire.
I have my children round me and live with my partner and son.
I did do courier work on moving to Blackpool and then unfortunately my health took a dive. I started Blackpool’s Voice helping many vulnerable in many different ways with a great team even though a small team a good team who are like family to me. I run a parents group too.
I have done so many incredible things but realised also the difference between need and want.
I recently got told by friends it was alright doing so much for everyone but what about me. I then recently started Sueszone doing various different fun things. By all means check it out.
So Ask Sue has been brought back again to bring and promote all what I do and believe in. I hope to be doing more events and continue with my charity work.
Ask Sue is going to regrow but also talk about illnesses mental health and promote and motivate people to find their dreams. Also competitions etc. Also to do some surprises for people who are so caring and supportive of others. Please click the links to other places where we are helping others. Plus share my website too please.
I want to say thank you for coming on the website and finding the real Ask Sue and look forward to doing even more. It’s time for Sue to promote Sue not just hold the ladder for everyone else.
So keep popping by and thank you for subscribing xx
Lots of Love
Remember if we were all to put our troubles in a heap and equally share them out.
We would only be to glad to take back our own.
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